Wandering the streets of Tokyo in the dark and rain
However, I made it to Tokyo! It's been a long journey, but I'm now here, and loving it. Driving through in the afternoon was shocking. It is entirely unrecognizable. But, as soon as night fell and everything lit up, it was amazing. The lights here are so bright that it feels like day time at 9 PM.
The food we were served was adorable. Everything was in it's own little pocket, and we even got mini bottles of soy sauce.
Tomorrow, it's off to the US embassy in order to meet some government officials, then we have a museum tour amongst other things
Life is super exciting.
Oh! Also! I'll be living in Fukuoka city, Fukuoka prefecture. This happens to be the same exact city where Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla was filmed. It's pretty big, and really nice. I'm staying with a retired couple and attending an all girl private Catholic school. Can't wait to go!
I'm going to post as often as possible, and include awesome pictures.
<3 Jordan
You're gonna be part of the government! Man, this trip is a lot cooler than thought! :P